Right middle ear implant for sensorineural hearing loss with the Envoy Esteem

Saturday, October 22, 2011

You know you're HoH when....

So you know those "funny" lists like "You know you're a redneck when..." or "You know you're a blonde when..."? Well, I kind of have a HoH list, and you know you're HoH if you can appreciate it :)

You Know You're Hard of Hearing When....

1) You fall into a body of water (be it a pool, tub, river, it doesn't matter) and your mother screams "Quick, get your hearing aids out!" before checking to see if you've drowned. (Sorry Mom, couldn't resist this one!)

2) You stare so intently at people's mouths when they're talking to you that they begin to feel like they might have spinach stuck in their teeth.

3) You sleep through an obnoxiously loud fire alarm in a hotel you are staying at with your parents which causes your mother to panic that you won't be able to ever travel alone for fear that you will one day sleep through another fire alarm that is real.

4) You put the volume of the phone at maximum and everyone else in the room can hear the person on the other end too.

5) You use your hearing loss as an excuse for getting out of doing things you don't want to do..."sorry, I never heard you ask me that!!"

6) You prefer reading over watching TV.

7) You just nod and smile in a lot of situations and pray that you didn't ignore a question someone asked you.

8) Referring to number 7, you've said something completely off the wall or really stuck your foot in your mouth and said something totally inappropriate to the situation.

9) Your spending budget is slashed a third every month due to hearing aid maintenance (buying batteries, buying more batteries, and did I mention buying batteries?).

10) You drive your significant other (or parent or friend) crazy when you watch TV or a movie and ask "What did he just say?" after every conversation between the characters.

So, this is of course all in good humor and not meant to offend or put anyone down. I am just having fun with my own personal situations and experiences and I'm sure if you're HoH, you can relate to some or all of the situations! If you have anything of your own to add to this list, I'd love to read it!

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