Right middle ear implant for sensorineural hearing loss with the Envoy Esteem

Sunday, October 23, 2011

First Week At Work, One Week To Activation!

October 10th:

So many exciting thoughts were flowing through my head this week! Not only did I finally return to work (after 10 months away, thanks to my hips) but I was thisclose to having my ear turned on!!

All my coworkers were great helping me with my hearing, although we had a few laughs as somehow everytime I was being instructed on something, my mentor was on my right side, so I didn't really hear what they told me. I struggled with some patients during admitting them and trying to hear what they told me about their history and medications but for the most part, I did pretty well. I think.

The detail I was most happy about though, was my taste was starting to very slowly return. And maybe I shouldn't call it taste but at least I could distinguish what I was putting in my mouth now! When I wasn't eating, I had a metallic taste on my tongue on the right side. Plus my scalp and ear were much less numb and no longer zapping me! My incision was incredibly itchy though (I think it's the glue and some internal sutures coming out). I've been able to sleep on my right side for a few weeks now too, which is nice.

I still find my tinnitus to be really bothersome though and along with it came the feeling of fluid on my ears. It's a feeling of fullness or congestion in my ears, but my sinuses are completely clear. I have been sneezing up a storm for a few weeks though! I was told to try an antihistamine or Afrin nasal spray. I tried benadryl without much success and couldn't bring myself to get the nasal spray since I hate anything going up my nose! I'm really hoping this doesn't affect the sound quality of the implant when it's turned on. I supposed it was a possibility though. What I could best relate it to is when you feel like you need to pop your ears after changing altitudes, like when you're flying.

This week is a long week because I am exhausted from being on my feet all day and struggling to hear correctly. Not to mention the excitement and impatience I felt at waiting for October 17th to finally get here!

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