I have conquered level 5! I decided to bump up to the final level today and so glad I did. I can't believe how much the scar tissue impeded my hearing before. I finally understand the true miracle this device is! Although 5 is loud (!) I think I'll be using it and 4 the most. 4 is comfortable but 5 has umph ;)
For instance:
I heard my husband's feet hitting the treadmill in the basement while I was on the main level with the TV on! Tell me that isn't cool?! I started paying attention to TV conversation today, and I am catching probably 95% of what's being said. Wow! There is still room for improvement too, so I'm going to work at really training myself to recognize words.
My ear at this point feels pretty good. I still have a slight fullness in it, which I guess is probably due to healing. I'm also finding myself swallowing a lot to pop my ear, which helps relieve the pressure but only lasts a very short time. I don't think the hole is affecting the sound, but then how could I know, as I was not benefiting from the Esteem in full anyway? I have no way to know either about the 35 dB gain I got back but maybe it's hearing things like what I mentioned above about my hubby running?
Anyway, so pleased at the outcome for now. I am so happy I was allowed to turn it back on before going back to work which will be in 3 days.
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