Right middle ear implant for sensorineural hearing loss with the Envoy Esteem

Friday, August 10, 2012

Pay Off!

We paid off the Esteem in full today and boy does that feel great! Just shy of one year by a couple weeks too!
I am waiting on Michelle to get back to me regarding what the revision review board thinks of my situation. Dr. Seidman is aware of the wait as well. I also quit taking the Flonase because it wasn't working, and it actually gave me intolerable side effects (pharyngitis, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea).
So we wait.

I have had to turn my implant down to level 2 on program C. Everything sounds sharp and whistle-y now. Like I'm in a tin box. I can't stand to be in crowded noisey places at all. Program B causes feedback and I don't like program A anymore (was the original setting). All the programs cause feedback above level 3 anyway. It's kind of discouraging and really makes me anxious that I'm turning the implant down further and further.

There is also a ton of activity on the Facebook Esteem page regarding the changes going on within Envoy. We are all getting bits and pieces of the story but no one really knows what's going on. It's a mystery that I wish the company would explain! Until I know the full extent of what's happening, I don't want to say too much.

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