Right middle ear implant for sensorineural hearing loss with the Envoy Esteem

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I had a bit of a setback since the last post. A few weeks ago, I started getting noticable swelling of my right cheek and also had either a really bad cold or sinusitis/ear infection. One of the doctors I work with looked at my eardrum too and she said it was really red, but no fluid that she could see. It really started to affect my hearing and I had to put the Esteem on C1 and get a z-pak antibiotic. The antibiotic helped, along with a slew of other meds like flonase, Zyrtec-D, dayquil, nyquil, and mucinex. Since then the swelling has gone away as well as the cold/infection, but I still have dizziness and the sense of fullness or fluid in my ear. I have been able to get to C3 most of the time but even that is pushing it. I'm getting a lot of the same shrill sounds that I had prior to the scar tissue removal surgery. I will admit, I'm frustrated. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of sense in getting an adjustment yet either because the West Bloomfield audiologist is not trained to adjust, so it would be an Envoy engineer. Audiologists are better at knowing what works for hearing. I'm kind of at the mercy of Envoy for that.
I am pretty sure I also have a dysfunctional eustachian tube, which I think was the case even before I had the Esteem implanted. I'm just noticing it a lot more now that the Esteem is in. I think it stays open when it's not supposed to, and then my breathing sounds like it's in my ear and I can't stand the sound of my voice because it's also right in my ear and so loud. Swallowing or chewing gum doesn't relieve it. It just eventually goes away on it's own.
I feel so bad complaining since I am pretty fortunate overall. The convenience is still so wonderful and I am so grateful to be able to hear all the time.

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